I wish he'd stop playing on his phone too...
For half of the time, he was in the background looking at his phone in a corner..

post response:
original post: here

1. [+68, -4]
Picking your nose isn't something to be hated for, but when someone does it openly in front of others, it's pretty awkward for the people watching... If you turned around to do it or just used a tissue, no one would mind. But picking your nose right in front of people is a bit hard to watch;;

2. [+67, -3]
It's hard to defend it as just scratching your nose when you’re always digging deep inside Sungchan-ah

3. [+55, -7]
People can pick their nose sometimes, no big deal. It might just be a habit for him

4. [+54, 0]
Everyone in the world picks their nose, but please, let's not do it in front of others.. I like Sungchan, but every time these gifs surface, my heart sinks

5. [+54, -8]
I was almost a fan, but seeing him pick his nose like that really turned me off..

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