- How old is X? Wow she's young but she looks like a freaking ajumma
- She's literally a freaking ajumma 
- She's covering Y. She's a r*tarded ajumma b*tch 

Employee A: 
- I want to remove X-nim, are you fine with this?

- The reason?

Employee A: 
- Because she's so arrogant towards me 

- Call her separately and talk clearly. What a crazy b*tch. She's already been rude to start with 
- We should've never asked opinions from a kid like that to start with. We should've just told her what to do 
- We need to scold her 

Employee A: 
- We should've scared her off 

- F*ck. If we're telling you to do it, just do it f*cking b*tch
- That's how it should be done. It looks like you have to press hard once. First of all, if it becomes bothersome, don't confront her (work exclusion) and do it later, and when the time comes, do it

Employee A: 
- I tried to do it with C last time 


What kind of impact would it have to work under someone with such a vulgar attitude? 

There’s an underlying m*sogyny in her mindset.

post response :
original post: here

1. [+216, -55]
She really is vulgar

2. [+197, -52]
It's not like she's still young, is it really ok to talk like that? So she didn't end up swearing at the press conference because she was angry, she just talks like that regularly, what a f*cking turn off

3. [+184, -50]
Wow her way of talking is freaking vulgar

4. [+143, -51]
Wow "freaking ajumma"? She's going around saying freaking ajussis, freaking ajummas, how did she live on this Earth being this hateful?

5. [+136, -52]
She's a m*sogynist 

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