Nationwide / Capital Region

1. 3.073 / 3.176
2. 2.710 / 2.918 🔻 Lowest
3. 3.444 / 3.678 
4. 3.378 / 4.069
5. 3.435 / 3.834
6. 3.377 / 3.946
7. 4.459 / 5.259
8. 4.095 / 4.656
9. 4.759 / 5.638 🔺 Highest

10. 4.752 / 5.973

original post: here

1. Let's go higher Sunjae-yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. I hope that it keeps going higher. I love Lovely Runner, SolSun, I love you

3. Huh? Because this drama is taking over the HOT Category, I thought that the viewership would be in the 10%

4. I wish I knew how fun it was.. Why did I discover this so late....

5. This has been my favorite drama this year.....

6. So it's in the 5%... Because it's a school drama, I bet that parents aren't watching it

7. I'm telling you it's f*cking fun

8. I've been watching it diligently so are the people around me but it's lower than I thoughtㅜㅜ

9. So the ratings aren't that high huh? There are so many posts made about this but... still, I hope that it goes higher

10. If it was a weekend drama, it would be higher.. what a shame. I hope it goes higher!!

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