They played the role of flight attendants in a movie so they released the photos taken with the uniform
So where can I go to take their plane...?

These are still cuts from the movie Wonderland!! 
It will be out on June 5th so please give it a lot of attention~

original post: here

1. Their facial chemistry is crazy

2. I woke up in the middle of the night and was wandering around when I clicked on it by accident. The dopamine rush was so intense I nearly passed out. What’s going on between these two? This is a historic moment that needs to be seen on a big screen. Wow.

3. Seriously, these are the kinds of faces that people in our country love... so comfortably beautiful.

4. But honestly, these two need to be in a drama together. Their visual chemistry will be a national waste if not put together

5. Hul crazy, freaking amazing. They have the type of face that will make the whole nation delusional... Please give these two a series right now

6. Wow give us more

7. This is the best chemistry in history

8. Crazy, seriously freaking crazy!!!!!! What's with this eye candy in the early morning?

9. I'm becoming a delusional shipper...

10. My mood improved significantly after seeing this early in the morning... they are freaking handsome and pretty

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