
1. All Koreans

Auditions were held overseas, but all were decided to be Korean.
There may be Korean students studying abroad.

2. Composed of a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 7 people.
3. Members born between 2005 and 2008
4. Keena is not the leader. There are no leader
5. Strengthening on character/personality education.
They're making them read a lot of books

Jeon Hongjun CEO
At our company, we are putting our all into this.
Because we have to go back to a global IP, all of the company's capabilities and focus will make the 2nd Fifty Fifty a success, and they will appear again in the world with really talented members, great songs, and a great style.
All the staff members are working hard here. And lawyers are good at taking care of legal matters...

original post: here

1. Fighting 

2. I love a full Korean group!

3. They just need to pick a good song. But are they going to work with the same A&R team as before? The ones who made Higher-Cupid, it was so good. I feel like a 7 members group will give us better performance

4. Looking forward

5. Fighting!!!

6. I totally love the full Korean group! 

7. Good good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The entire team being Korean is too nice ㅋㅋㅋ

8. It's nice to have a leader though ㅠㅠ I trust their decision, fighting 

9. Just #1 is so likable already 

10. Fighting fighting 

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