Kim Minjoo and Sana...
But since my crush is f*cking handsome, I just acknowledged it and gave up, f*ck
He said that girls who are not this style don't attract him, f*ck
My skin is a bit dark and my eye corners are droopyㅜ I can't even try to look like these twoㅜ I looked up their gifs on Twitter and got so sad over how pretty they look

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original post: here

1. [+62, -7]
Your crush seems to be into this fully feminine style... There are a lot of people talking about this too on Pann but these two look like real adult women; just like the comment below says, maybe try to imitate their personality

2. [+48, 0]
His taste is pretty firmㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I get right away the type of girl he's going forㅇㅇ their facial features are so fancy

3. [+35, 0]
The fact that he said that he wasn't attracted to someone who isn't this style = saying that he's not interested in youㅠㅠ... You did well to give up. If you start to imitate them, you'll just end up looking even more ridiculous and your crush might even go to his friends to brag about it

4. [+28, -1]
Wow but they are seriously pretty.... But aren't they everyone's ideal type? You should just move straightㅠ

5. [+20, -1]
He kinda seems to be into the foxy (animal) type. Maybe try to do better with your makeup

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