Hi, I'm a woman in my early 30s.
Is there anyone in their 30s who doesn't have any friends?
I didn't have many friends in my 20s either.
I was always hanging out with this friend and that friend.
They were all former friends.
Love in time...
And as you get into your late 20s, early 30s.
our values, our personalities, our daily lives change.
and we become distant.
Economic power, family background, environment...
boyfriend or marriage status.
And things that we used to get away with in our 20s.
I can see it so clearly now that it's not, so I just let it happen naturally.
I let things happen naturally, and I became distant.
Disappointed in a friend's behavior.
I've cut off friends because I don't think it's a healthy relationship.
I also see friends who look different on the outside than they do on the inside as they get older. 
There are friends like this that I cut off too.

Not because there's anything wrong with me.
It's because the environment changes and our values change
I think it's a very natural situation.

It's hard to organize everything at once.

When I look back, I realize that I had good times with my friend
But was I the only one who enjoyed it... I wonder if there was something wrong with meㅠ
If I pretend it's not like now and start contacting them like we were still close like in the past, we might be able to continue our relationship again...

Maybe they've changed as much as I've changed.
Or maybe I've changed and they've stayed the same.

It's not like I don't have any friends at all
but I've been hurt by this process
and now I lost them.
We keep our distance, we don't talk much.
Just once in a while, once a year...

Maybe it's time to make new friends.

I just kind of rambled on and on and on.

Thanks for reading...!

post response:
original post: here

1. [+75, -4]
I'm a woman in my mid-30s, and I barely keep in touch with my best friends, my sister, and my brother. We've never fought, but we're both busy, so we gradually lose touch. We used to call each other a lot, meet up on weekends, and chat, but now we're both busy, so we don't call each other about nothing, We kept not contacting each other  so I even wonder if we should call once a year. I haven't seen my best friend in almost 4-5 years, and at first I was bitter, but now I'm comfortable with it. I think it's worse with women.

2. [+49, -2]
It's a process of life, and then people who are a good fit for you come along, whether they're looking for you or you're looking for them.

3. [+34, -1]
Then it gets worse when one of us is marriedㅎㅎ The topics of conversation are completely different depending on whether you have kids or not.. I'm also upset, but I'm accepting it ㅠㅠ

4. [+24, -29]
(Commentor is a man) Honestly, about 60% of the girls like comparing themselves with other women and would be jealous of one another because they are crazy about men. There are so many cases of female friendships not lasting long. If they don't do that, they can meet good friends and maintain a long friendship

5. [+23, -3]
I also don't have friendsㅋㅋㅋIn my school days, I had a lot of real friends and we got along well but as I got older, it became annoying to contact them first and annoying to contact them to meetㅠ Sometimes it's lonely, but I'm also annoyed to contact themㅜㅜ So I've just been living without friendsㅋㅋ it's fine for living but I'm worried of what will happen if I had a weddingㅋㅋ

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