In the video, he was supposed to say the first word that came to his mind when a random word was mentioned 

When they said "feminist", the man answered "mental illness"

But this video became viral on Twitter and all the foreigners are feeling bad for Korean girlsㅋㅋㅋ...

The fact that he can answer like that boldly even with his face uncovered proves that the republic of Hannams is really a country for men
If a woman said something like that, she'd be flocked with hate comments and s*xual harassment

The foreign girl said she understands why Korea's birth rate is so lowㅋㅋㅋㅋ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+238, -5]
ㅋㅋㅋ they were on Ilbe for years and used all kinds of derogatory and vulgar words against women and now that women started to counterattack, these Hannams are whining and are telling us not to start a fuss. There are so many like them. There's this Hannam complaining about how this civilization built by men is spoon feeding women, but I'm sorry but were you the one who invented this civilization and won the Nobel Prize?~ Hannams didn't do sh*tㅠㅠ

2. [+224, -2]
I also watched that video, and later he said "woman → protected object, Misogynist → reaslist"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There are already 60K likes on the Tweet hating on this man

3. [+206, -2]
If a woman made such statement, she would've gotten life threatsㅋㅋㅋ even so, these Kimchi-men will say that this is a country made for women until their death

4. [+200, -3]
The very existence of the Korean man is a feminist-maker and birth rate-suppressor. May there be more hannams. Fighting!

5. [+181, -1]
If you watched the full video, it gets even more ridiculous.. he said that feminists = mental illness, misogyny = realistic, pregnancy = blessing. No but what is this? He should at least know what he's talking about. F*ck, he said that a woman is an object to be protected but that hating an "object to be protected" is being "realistic"? And if a protected object screams for their rights, it's mental illness? Misogyny is realistic but pregnancy is a blessing?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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