Fan: Good job, So Hee. I’m feeling all relieved on your behalf. Good thing you broke up! By dating an avoidant man who keeps his mouth shut, ultimately your insides will turn black like ashes… You did so well. Giving you pats for all the hurt you received all this while… I hope it heals well. He should’ve been weaned off diapers…

Han So Hee: You’re right. The person in question kept his mouth shut, while I was trying to do anything I could. As time passes, it’ll be forgotten anyway, or that’s what they say. But what to do? My fans are just as precious to me, so much that I can’t keep silent and just watch.
CR: Koreaboo

original post: here

1, Seriously, I'm just shocked at how immature she is...

2. Hyeri's comment section is a mess right nowㅋㅋ seriously, like actress like fans

3. Is she really born in '94 and is she really 30 y.o?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she sounds like a student

4. Just why is she acting like this?...

5. I'm not surprised. She must've always been someone with this kind of personality

6. Wow what a fickle person... I'm embarrassed for her

7. Can someone take her phone away already...

8. ㅠ you're telling me that she was this kind of person?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9. I just learned that they broke up

10. She's spitting on her own face at this point...


"Fan (Cloud): What's the point of saying that? They couldn't even goㅋㅋ The kids are so funny... Let's just go suck up HR's arseh*le

Fan (Cloud): What do you want us to do about Hyeri falling off from fame? Who ended up in ruin with lingering regrets for no reason?ㅋ It's all because of people like you who worship and fangirl on someone like Hyeri!"

"Fan (Cloud): Good job, So Hee. I’m feeling all relieved on your behalf. Good thing you broke up! By dating an avoidant man who keeps his mouth shut, ultimately your insides will turn black like ashes… You did so well. Giving you pats for all the hurt you received all this while… I hope it heals well. He should’ve been weaned off diapers…

Han So Hee: You’re right. The person in question kept his mouth shut, while I was trying to do anything I could. As time passes, it’ll be forgotten anyway, or that’s what they say. But what to do? My fans are just as precious to me, so much that I can’t keep silent and just watch."

Those were all comments from the same person. 

original post: here

1. Sohee-yah... I used to like you a lot...

2. Wow her face is pretty but her heart is evil

3. She's impressive in so many ways

4. Wow I'm seriously f*cking disappointed...

5. You're such a mess Sohee...

6. I hate her

7. Wow someone cut off her Internet line already

8. Her image will really never go back to how it was beforeㅋㅋㅋ

9. I just can't help but be turned off by her...

10. The way she manages this is influencer-level...


post response:
original post: here

1. [+207, -7]
As Ryu Junyeol said, it was a problem that would have been quietly forgotten if it had been left alone...

2. [+190, -5]
It seems like Han Sohee may not fully understand the preference of the general public. Perhaps because she didn't debut early, she might struggle to grasp how the public operates and how they might react to her actions. Honestly, there are probably aspects where Han Sohee feels unfairly treated. However, she seems to prioritize her own emotions too much, speaking and acting impulsively, which naturally draws scrutiny from the public.. If she couldn't handle the mental pressure well, it might have been better for her to stopped feeding the trolls or stay still.. She's just acting too impulsively with the way she's writing posts and leaving comments. It appears that she lacks a good understanding of how the general public moves.

3. [+186, -8]
If she thought about the fans, I don't think she would've posted these memes though?

4. [+150, 0]
I think it would be in her best interest if she just stayed silent for a few days

5. [+133, -4]
It seems like Han Sohee perceives 'not feeding the trolls' in this situation as admitting fault or weakness, which she considers unfair and negative. While I also believe that addressing one's unfair accusations is generally better, Han Sohee's reaction was kind of wrong... If she hadn't mentioned Hyeri, I would've remained as her fanㅠ It's unfortunate that she brought up Hyeri abruptly...

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