"The proportion of s*xless couples reached 40.8%
And those who sleep together every day is 1.4%
Those who sleep together every other day is 4.5%
The marriage rate is also an issue
But a lot of people who stop having s*x once they get married
The reason why this isn't surprising is that they've already ran a survey back in 2016
And Korea was #2 in the whole world with 36.1% s*xless marriages
(By the way, the #1 at is Japan)

The country that's worse than us is Japan
10 years ago, the proportion of s*xless marriages already reached 40%
In 2014, it reached 44.6%
One thing worth observing about Japan
Is that even among the people in their 20's-30's who experience a spark for a moment, that proportion was still high
I feel like we need to pay close attention to this reality because it seems like Korea is also following this course."

original post: here

1. I'm just way too tired

2. I'm f*cking busy, what "s*x"?

3. I'm just way too worn out when I come back homeㅠㅠ

4. But there are 24% who does it 2-3x a week so isn't that considered pretty good?

5. There are more pr*st*t*t**n places than there are cafes here so that's why they don't do it between couples

6. Who cares if we don't?

7. Seriously, just what is marriage to this country? What's the point of it anyways?

8. It's because we're so tired... and we have no time either. Being a couple will only add to the struggle of living and fighting. 

9. There are way too many adult businesses around for you guys to claim that you're just tiredㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. Because they all sleep a crazy ton outsideㅋ

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