Hello. This is Hyeri.
First, I sincerely apologize for the speculations and controversies that arose over the past few days due to my personal emotions.
I think I failed to consider the ripple effects that each of my minor actions could have.
I sincerely apologize to anyone who was harmed because of me.

Last November, the news was released that my eight-year relationship came to an end.
It was not a decision made in a short period of time, and even after the breakup news came out, we had a conversation about talking more [about our situation].
However, we have not had any contact or met since that conversation.
And four months later, I think my emotions after coming across a new article were perceived not as actress Lee Hyeri but as just Lee Hyeri.
I apologize once again for causing harm with my impulsive emotions.

Over the past few days, I didn’t explain the reason for my actions because I thought that our conversations were overly personal, and it would only increase fatigue [to the public].
If this caused confusion for anyone, I am also sorry for that.

Moving forward, I will be more careful with my words and actions.
Thank you.

(I will delete this post soon. Thank you.)

original post: here

1. She dated him for 8 years, of course those are natural emotions... ㅠㅠ I've been on Hyeri's side since the beginning

2. Crazy... These are not manners you show to someone that you dated for 8 years, they didn't simply break up, they need to spend time thinking about it, so of course it feels like he completely wasted her time with that ambiguous timeline, and meanwhile, she only learned this through articles???

3. In the end, it's because of the man that the situation turned South tsk tsk.. 

4. There are people who clean cut their break ups but there are also couples who fight, break up and then come back again because the break up isn't the end for them. They need some time before coming back and maybe Hyeri and Ryu Junyeol were one of those repeat breaking up couples. Maybe that's why she didn't unfollow him... And that's why she felt even more betrayed ㅜㅜ I can kinda understand both 

5. Hyeri and Han Sohee aren't at fault here. It's Ryu Junyeol who should've sorted out his mind more clearly. If you look at it this way, they really broke up in November and they probably were going to think about whether to come back or not and then have a cleaner break up. He should've just said that he was in a some with Han Sohee instead

6. I can so understand Hyeri 

7. I knew this was going to happen, Hyeri please meet someone better

8. As someone who've dated someone else for a long time, I can so understand her. And she probably wrote her statement over 20 times, it must've been hard

9. Just because of that avoidant man, he's caused so much harm

10. Hyeri isn't even at fault and she got sworn at ㅠㅠ Please find strength 

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