Ryu Junyeol, who attended a "photo call" event for a fashion brand held somewhere in Seoul on the 19th, pretended not to hear the photographers who asked for hand hearts and only waved his hand.

Other celebrities naturally posed with hand hearts, ball hearts, etc., but Ryu Junyeol stiffly waved his hands left and right and left the stage with a bitter smile as if he thought that those requests were out of line. On this day, the host of the event asked the celebrities not to do heart poses, but Ryu Jun-yeol was the only one who kept this request particularly well.

Coincidentally, Ryu Jun-yeol, was also wearing this brand's clothing from top to bottom in a photo taken with his girlfriend Han So-hee in Hawaii a few days ago, and was shown sitting at a table and walking naturally as if it was a planned photo. 


original post: here

1. But they were told not to do it
> But other celebrities still did it 

2. The journalists are damn tiring..

3. "On this day, the host of the event asked the celebrities not to do heart poses, but Ryu Jun-yeol was the only one who kept this request particularly well." 
So he's getting hate even when he's keeping the rules... Sighㅠㅠ Leave him alone 

4. And if he did a heart, they will write "sending a heart to Han Sohee"

5. If they're told not to do it, don't ask them to do it trash journalists-ah

6. Sigh, and if he did a heart, he'll have "Han Sohee, are you watching~" seriously he'll get hate for anything he does

7. Stop this forced hate..

8. No but he did his last bow quite well, meanwhile they're obsessed with hearts... And they were told not to ask for hearts in the beginningㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is ..

9. The journalists need to cut it down 

10. Why are journalists so fixated over hearts? I don't get it 

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