original post: here
1. Am I the only one not seeing it.... It doesn't even look crooked!?!?!? She's just freaking pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2. So it's more visible than I thought, I didn't really pay attention when I was watching her in video, but here I can see it clearly
3. Me too I realized it while watching the show ㅋㅋ
4. Hul can you really remove your crookedness with rhinitis surgery?? I didn't know
5. You're right, we can clearly see it
6. But seriously I don't are about the crookedness at all
7. Ah you're right
8. Me too I was watching with my mom and we were talking about how she did surgery because of the crookedness and it does look so crooked here... It must've been uncomfortable for her
9. Rhinitis is so uncomfortable
10. I found her so pretty with that nose and I didn't really care ㅋㅋㅋ But it must've been really uncomfortable ... She must be at peace now