They were in an upward trajectory and suddenly free fell 
They had their career high during Hot Sauce
And they were able to break new records with the album that followed Hot Sauce 
But after that, they became has-beens with the following promotions 

Me too, I've left the fandom but I always wished them to succeed
As expected the idol industry moves fast.. 

I'll delete the post soon

post response: 
original post: here

1. [+162, -17]
Because it's so obvious that they've forgotten their roots, they don't interact with the fans nor do they manage their faces

2. [+159, -15]
Their faces are the biggest reason... They're tons of fresher looking kids who are at similar age with them so everyone has moved onto the new ones instead

3. [+126, -16]
Their songs suck and they can't manage their visuals. The rookies now are working so hard to interact with fans compared to them. And they give us no content either. It would be shameless from them to expect us to stay 

4. [+110, -12]
But I'm curious about it, do other people also consider appearing to a video call with a bare face and using a cap a lack of sincerity?? Because I saw that and left the fandom......

5. [+73, -50]
Are there only 2 people leaving comments here? Dream's digital score is still so strong and Candy was their career high. The only one with an ambiguous result was ISTJ but their Broken Melodies song was freaking good 

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