"Han Sohee's lie about being accepted in the French university is seriously going to burst"

A French writer-turned-art school consultant reported the case to JTBC regarding Han So-hee's study abroad.

post response:
original post: here

1. [+478, -283]
No but there are no proofs that it was a lie, what's the point of going this far..? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seriously people are becoming creepy with the way they bash others

2. [+442, -251]
I'm sorry to her fans, but even before her dating controversy broke, Han Sohee was the one who talked about her French abroad studies needing her to show a financial proof that she had 60M won in her bank account. She talked about it on Na Young Seok's Youtube and I already realized she made no sense with that statement (covered here) and I've been suspicious of her ever since a few months ago. Lately, the suspicions just grew because of that French art school consultant's Youtube video. The students who wanted to take the entrance exams all asked the French consultant why did Han Sohee have to show a proof she had 60M won and why would it be that much? People were just confused. That's why that French consultant said that it should be 9.6M won of financial proof that was needed, not 60M won like Han Sohee said, and they said that it would soon be reported by JTBC. All the Youtuber did was to correct the information that a celebrity who went on a variety show said because there were confusion, it wasn't done to cancel her or anything. 

3. [+280, -236]
Seriously the haters are so vile. When IU's controversy broke, there were even people who filed a public complaint to blame IU for causing an uproar ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It seems like it's Han Sohee's turn now. All the haters need to be grabbed and dealt with. It's not only IU or Han Sohee, but also Jang Wonyoung, Karina, etc. they're so persistent in cancelling people ㅋㅋㅋ 

4. [+205, -231]
At this point it just looks like a mud war... Seems like there are more and more people exploding with inferiority complex nowadays

5. [+177, -8]
She said "I passed the entrance exam, but because I didn't have money, I didn't go" <- just the fact that she said that she was preparing for entrance exams and that she put in so much time to prepare to study abroad, to save money, and she probably spent a lot of time to make sure she even passes the exam, and in the end she was even able to obtain her visa. But she didn't go just because she didn't have enough money? People who usually study overboard usually meticulously count how much they need to save to go no? And they definitely need to talk with the transfer student center. The fact that she passed the exam and still didn't go because of money is just strange

6. [+162, -3]
????? But even I'm tired of seeing posts about her and Ryu but that's "inferiority complex" to you??? She lied about her school credentials though..?? Imagine a popular Korean celebrity saying they passed the Seoul University entrance exam and in the end didn't go because they didn't have money, won't they get into a huge controversy for lying? ;; 

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