t/n: Transit Love is a dating show where ex couples reunite on the show to either go back to their previous relationships, find a new person who is another participant's ex or stay single

Hwihyun (man): You seem so sloppy/desperate

Hwihyun: Seriously you're so different

HwiHyun: The nuna that I knew when I was dating you was different

Hwihyun: The nuna that I met during the pre-show meeting was also different

Hwihyun: And the nuna right now is also different

Hyewon (woman): How am I different now?

Hwihyun: Right now you're the most... 

Hwihyun: Right now, you're the most charmless

t/n: For those who don't watch the show, some episodes ago, he also created a "stir" by sharing the candies that he bought her (which she returned to him as part of the show where exes had to return each other's gifts), he was criticized because he shared the only gift he ever gifted her (candies) with the other participants. 

original post: here

1. Does the girl still have lingering feelings towards him ?

2. Can this guy shut up already ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. This isn't evil editing, and he really said that???

4. That guy... He's the type who can't keep his manners towards others

5. Why is he on the show? If you watch Transit Love, it doesn't even look like he has any intentions to go back to her, and he's also using other participants' exes to hurt his own ex, he's so uncomfortable to watch

6. But the fact that he's saying something like that makes him the least charming here, and just as a human, he looks like he sucks 

7. Hyewon-ah please pick someone new 

8. He pisses me off so much 

9. Ah please... Can you think a bit before speaking... 🤦‍♀️
Not only as a courtesy for your previous lover, but he's really throwing everything away like that??? He doesn't even acknowledges that there are cameras around him???

10. Wow this must've hurt so much and he's so rude. Last time with the candies too.. I'm disillusioned for her ㅠ

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