"No matter how positive I might be, it is expected that they have a comeback in April, so I'd say we need to wait at least another +40 days...."

original post: here

1. No matter when NewJeans is coming back, I'm looking forwardㅋㅋㅋ If it's a full album, please put a lot of songs 

2. I'm only waiting for NewJeans 

3. Please comeback faster ㅠㅠ

4. But they've already secured their place, so it's not necessary for them to comeback all the time anymore right?

5. I don't feel like it's been that long ago...?

6. Maybe it's because I listen to NewJeans everyday and I saw them at the award show, but I don't feel like they've came back that long ago...! But I realize now that it's been a while

7. Maybe it's because every song they release hits big, I don't feel like it's been that long 

8. There's nothing to listen to lately, please comeback faster

9. They're always promoting something so I don't feel like they've been gone for that long 

10. I usually have to wait 8~9 months for my bias to comeback, NewJeans are fine 

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