(column left-right: Haerin, Hanni, Minji, Danielle, Hyein)

Graph on top: International sales
Graph below: Korean sales
(the rows are the same as the one above just written in Korean) 

Powerpuff Girls x NJ acrylic smart tok

Haerin: 2,987 sales
Hanni: 1,298 sales
Minji: 867 sales
Danielle: 585 sales
Hyein: 448 sales

This is based on Naver Line store

original post: here

1. Aside from Danielle and Hyein, the ranking does align with what I thought #1, #2 and #3 would be 

2. Imagine showing their sales among members like that ㅠㅠㅠㅠ of course they can see themselves on Naver but still ㅠ 

3. They're all pretty and charming, why rank them?

4. The ranking was so expected though 

5. I thought that Haerin and Hanni were the 2 tops in the fandom, but Haerin is way stronger than I thought 

6. You can tell that Haerin is the one who gets mentioned the most alone 

7. I thought Danielle was the most popular 

8. Me too I like Haerin and Hanni the most 

9. I also had the impression that Hanni and Haerin were the most popular, so I was right 

10. Haerin is so popular, and Hanni and Minji overlap a lot 

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