He had a procedure in Armenia for 5 million yen (about 44.23 million Korean won).
(For reference, he is a cosmetologist)

The rehabilitation was very difficult, but now, five years after the surgery, he fully recovered
He overcame his complexes and became popular with girls...

(The way they increase the space between the bones, but if the surgical rehabilitation fails, he won't be able to walk)

original post: here

1. The risk is way too high.... Not being able to walk isn't your usual hardship

2. Honestly, when it comes to blind dates or marriage, it feels really hypocritical to say height isn't important when people consider height, occupation, and education all together. Height is genetic, right? Short height is not preferred in the marriage market if you think about future children. Why are Nordic men tall? Because women prefer tall men. Did Nordic countries reject short men because of that? I don't think looking at height is wrong, and I can understand the desire for a man to be willing to endure such surgery

3. The risk is high but it does completely changes your life

4. Even in Korea, dermatologists and plastic surgeons are expected to be good-looking, and they sell better and make more money.

5. Won't he be unable to run from now on?

6. This is way too scary... the side effects are scary and just the whole outcome of the procedure isㅠㅠ he's really impresive...

7. It's oba, please don't do it

8. If you fail to recover, the risk is way too high

9. Being 167 as a man isn't tall but it's not morbidly short either. This looks way too scary

10. 10 cm is such a big growth. It's a relief that it turned out good for him

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