"Is there any progress regarding the hostage negotiation?" 

"I don't want this... Let me pick the right word. There's been some movement. There's been a response from the opposition but.."

Journalist: From Hamas?
Biden: Ah, sorry. Hamas... 

Biden's tongue slip 
Taylor Swift --> Britney Spears
Jackie Walorski --> "Jackie? Where's this?"

And he even got the French president wrong

"Germany... That French Mitterand saw me... He asked me how long I'll be back..."

The Mitterand he's referring to: 

President 1981~1995 (French president)

In the document distributed by the White House, the mistake was crossed out and corrected to Macron.

original post: here

1. Imagine the biggest power in the world lacking so much competent human capital, Korea is the same... It's true when people say that smart people don't go for politics anymore ã…  

2. So the rumors about them looking for old people on the verge of death or having dementia was true.. 

3. He really doesn't look well 

4. Sigh... Honestly if you're this old, you should retire from politics

5. So there's a reason why there are talks of dementia around him... 

6. There's still a while until his term is over, what are they gonna do...

7. This is such a clear sign of early dementia... 

8. For he's a 42'er?? So he's super old..

9. He's over 80 already, he's way too old 

10. The fact that they can only choose from Biden or Trump is just hopeless

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