This isn't just for show but it's real? ㅜㅜ

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original post: here

1. [+384, -18]
This is true, I've seen this ever since I was a choding. The women will all gather in the kitchen to make food and be busy around, meanwhile the men are just sitting and are busy eating... 

2. [+312, -9]
Yup yup, and if the men are the ones carrying the food to the table, they will be treated like the most family guys out there for being so sweet. Meanwhile women are the ones who prepared the food

3. [+245, -8]
7 couples out of 10 will turn out like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Only the daughter in law will be suffering, but that r*tard of a husband will not even help her out, meanwhile he'll be calling for Anjus, drinks and whatever. It's a hellish holiday 

4. [+207,- 4]
Our mom's generation was honestly like that (she's in her 60s) but there are still a lot of places like that 

5. [+197, -5]
Absolutely yes. There's even times when women will take turns eating. There are times when I don't even get to eat the fruits at all. My husband's cousin's new bride who are getting married this time (they've registered their marriage already) came dressed in pretty clothes and hung out in the kitchen like that all day. If you can't change top down, there's no way you can change bottom up. It's really unfortunate. As the number of birth decreases, it is even less easy to change because it is a complete inverted triangle structure with many upper ranks and few new people. My son also says he doesn't like holidays and that it's "frustrating". I think it can be changed only when all the people at the top die. I definitely can't change anything. Men eat the food that is prepared for them, eat fruit, wear suits, bow down a few times and just sit down and then drink at the table... Women walk around and cook, prepare food for ceremonial meals, wash the dishes, and when men tell them to bring this or that, they do it and even eat without paying attention to women.  It sucks 

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