Comment: I get where Young Don hyung is coming from. Honestly, if you're successful and wealthy, you can't be content with just one woman. If you can't comprehend why rich men might cheat, maybe you shouldn't have dated himㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> HJE: I have 1000x more money than him. What do you know shooting your mouth off recklessly like that? Then according to your logic, I should've been the one who cheated since I make more money and am more successful
>  HJE: Do you think that people date someone knowing they cheated? Of course they date them only because they don't know. That's life.....
> HJE: I held it in once~ It's my first time holding it back since I was born

> HJE: You're Lee Young Don right??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Meme: he/she is good at protesting)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+654, -3]
Wow Hwang Jung Eum is seriously freaking likable. I'm legitimately supporting her..

2. [+626, -3]
Even the house they live in is Hwang Jung Eum's house... ^^ What exactly is there for her to forgive?  It hasn't even been 10 years, so I hope they get divorced without property division, received all the child support upfront + sue him for adultery 
"Comment: What sin did the kid commit? Forgive him..
HJE: What sin did I commit?"

3. [+585, -3]
So a capable man cannot be content with one woman?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ f*ck.... Hwang Jung Eum has 1000x more money than him so she should have a bunch of court men around her no?ㅋㅋ

4. [+500, -2]
The more I look at the picture of her husband holding the baby, the more terrifying it becomes. I can't even imagine how Hwang Jung Eum must have felt when she first saw that picture, f*ck

5. [+324, 0]
But unlike other celebrities, Hwang Jung Eum will rise even higher with this incident. Generally, actresses don't come out well from family affairs because it shatters their image in an instantㅜ but I hope she will take this divorce as a turning point and succeed in her career

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