Karina left for her dorm after her fansign even (night)
She took the taxi and arrived near Lee Jaewook's house (night)
Lee Jaewook came out to meet her (night)
Lee Jaewook was seen with convenience store's plastic bags (morning..)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+246, -31]
It's hard for them to date outside so of course they're gonna do it at his house. Who cares? I wish them a happy relationship. They are such a handsome and pretty couple

2. [+234, -39]
But what's so strange about a young couple sleeping over for a night? I just thought "ok" and that's it

3. [+230, -15]
Do we even need an explanation of their date timeline...ㅋㅋ

4. [+225, -19]
Who are you to analyze someone else's dating timeline...

5. [+193, -27]
Both of them have good images within the general public and it's not like they were dating among idols and I don't think that an actor-idol combination is bad. They are not a combination that would attract a lot of trolls either

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