post response:
original post: here

1. [+126, -18]
But she'll be super pretty again once all the swelling goes down, who are you to feel sorry for herㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+103, -14]
No but her swelling hasn't even gone down, why are you feeling sorry? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You usually need around 1 year for the swelling of double eyelids surgery to go down

3. [+88, -10]
From Joy's perspective, you're the one she should feel sorry forㅋㅋ Joy was always pretty and once her swelling goes down, she'll be even prettier, but you'll stay ugly for swearing at Joy even in the future ㅠ

4. [+85, -6]
There's nothing to feel bad about ㅋㅋ The only thing you should feel sorry for is your own face. Joy is already pretty and whether she does double eyelids or not, she'll stay pretty. Go worry about your own face

5. [+84, -5]
Pann girls must collect all the celebrities pictures before their swelling go down to claim they feel sorry they did surgery right...? Anyways once the swelling goes down, they'll go back to their original form, and their faces are at least a hundred times prettier than yours ㅋㅋ

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