*Heart beat heart beat* I wonder what she's preparing..? A dance video?

Update+) She posted on her story too and it says 2/8?? That's tomorrow, daebak

post response:
original post: here
1. [+30, -7]
Wow.. knowing Lisa's personality, something big must be coming. Her personality is prudent so she would only post things if they are confirmed.. crazy, I'm so looking forward to this... please let come in February...

2. [+23, -3]
I don't know what it is but if it's Lisa, it must be something big

3. [+21, -3]
What is it? Why so suddenly? I wasn't anticipating anything but this makes my heart race. I didn't think that Lisa was preparing anything. I was just waiting for everyone's solo activity and thought that BP would just do brand ambassadorship events until their full group comeback and that they were all on vacation. This is so surprising. I'm too curious

4. [+20, -3]
I'm freaking looking forward to this

5. [+17, -3]
Lisa, what have you prepared againㅜ? Not only Lisa but I feel like all of BP are quietly working hard and we will get official news soon. Fangirling is so fun when there are surprises like theseㅋㅋ

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