She's white and has no pores. Even if she was born with it and manages her skin, she can barely sleep because of her schedule, has a irregular sleep schedule, and also has a pretty strict diet. So how can her skin look so much like a peeled egg...? Even as someone with rather good skin, if I drop under a certain weight, my skin becomes f*cking grey like a corpse and if I don't sleep well, no matter how much moisturizer I use, my foundation just looks so bad and oof. If I get stress, I get a bunch of pimples too.. but it's fascinating how Jang Wonyoung's skin is always so hydrated and translucent. Her skin has never looked bad and it f*cking looks like a glass bead. I wonder if you can be born like that too? Having a skin that looks that way even without sleeping or eating properly? Or is it because she's receiving the best makeup from the best makeup artists? Ah, I'm freaking jealous of her skin

post response:
original post: here

1. [+81, -10]
She's not the type of kid to starve herself and manage herself intensely. She was just born like that. That's the skin she usually have at her given weight... Please, let's just accept it as is

2. [+54, -3]
She's mostly just born with it

3. [+41, -3]
She must be getting treatments done too but most importantly, she was just born with it

4. [+34, -4]
She probably get as many treatments as possible to make up for the lack of sleep... she probably often gets proper toning treatment too. But more than anything, she was just born with it

5. [+30, -5]
Of course she manages herself hard

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