1. Lee Jongsuk - Han Hyojoo (W)
3. Lee Jongsuk - Suzy (When You Were Sleeping)

4. Lee Jongsuk - Yoona (Big Mouse)

5. Lee Jongsuk - Lee Nayoung (Romance Is a Bonus Book)

6. Lee Jongsuk - Lee Boyoung (I Can Hear Your Voice)

5. Lee Jongsuk - Park Shinhye (Pinocchio)

7. Lee Jongsuk - Shin Hyesun (About The Hymn of Death)

8. Lee Jongsuk - Park Boyoung (About Hot Young Bloods)

9. Lee Jongsuk - Kim Jiwon (High Kick)

10. Lee Jongsuk - Jin Seyeon (Doctor Stranger)
original post: here
1. Park Shinhye
2. Han Hyojoo
3. Suzy
4. Park Boyoung...
5. Han Hyojoo
6. Lee Boyoung
7. Park Shinhye
8. ICHYV with Lee Boyoung
9. Han Hyojoo
10. Park Shinhye