(Average height of women in their 20's : 161 cm)
Above 174 cm :1%
Above 170 cm: 4%
Above 167 cm: 11%
Above 164 cm: 23%
Above 161.5 cm: 40%
Above 159 cm: 60%
Above 156.5 cm: 77%
Above 154 cm: 89%
Above 151 cm: 96%

What are you guys?

original post: here

1. I'm mad

2. 40%

3. 11%

4. 1%

5.  4%

6. 23%

7. I'm in the 77%!!!! I'm in ganderㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. I'm no short but I felt like there are a lot of people much taller than me but turns out, I'm the top 11%ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Because I'm 1m shorter, I'm in the 23%ㅋㅋㅋ 

10. 4%, it's a lie that everyone is so tall nowadays. I'm 172 and if I take the subway, My whole head is taller than all the other women

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