Price: 44,000 won
Need to be over 7 y.o
Fan meeting of 100 minutes (expected)

This isn't done by SM but by Baekhyun's new agency
3 fan meetings in Seoul, 2 in Gwangju and 2 in Busan

original post: here

1. Wow 44K won is super cheap

2. 44,000 won??

3. Wow so cheap

4. Wow he's coming to Geangju?

5. So will there be a time where we all eat snacks together?? Crunch crunch

6. Hul 44K?????????

7. Look at that price

8. 44K won... will there even be tickets left??? That's cheaper than half of the prices elsewhere

9. It makes me happy to see how cheap it is. And honestly, that's what normal prices should be. With this price, fans can also afford it without feeling burdened

10. Wow finally a price that makes sense

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