Nobody even greets me, and everyone but me goes out during lunch time except me, so I always go out and kill time without eating, and then come back. Even now, I'm currently out killing time, I'm so sad...

original post: here

1. Wow ㅠ We're talking about grown adults acting like that..; Find strength 

2. How long have you been there?
>  (OP) It's been 3 months ㅠ

3. No but why would they do this...? Have you behaved badly when you joined the company??
>  (OP) When I joined the company, I might've looked a bit awkward when trying to greet them, so maybe they didn't think I'd get along with them?? So maybe the distance just settled as time passed?

4. Just run away 

5. Me too I've been bullied at my previous place, I feel so bad for you ㅠㅠ Me too, during company meals, this happened, so I would usually sit with other departments' people ㅠㅠ 

6. But you should still take care to eat well, don't starve yourself. No but why would they do that...?

7. Is that a male or female dominated place? Or similar?
> (OP) The male to female ration is maybe 8:2? The female workers all hangout among themselves and the male employees go on their one

8. There are tons of people who act like them without any specific reasons ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's just that they've never been educated on etiquette and with age, they just end up like that. Seriously if it's possible, run away as fast as you can. And also take care of eating your meals 

9. This is rather good~ it's better than to hang out with people like them and get emotionally drained anyways 

10. Once you enter the corporate world, you'll soon realize that a lot of people can't act their age.... OP-ah how old are you? 
> (OP) I'm in my mid 20s
>> It's a waste to waste your time in a company you don't like at your age, change companies as soon as you can 

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