Sasaeng taxis waiting at every intersection, customers begging the drivers to chase after [celebrities], [Sasaeng taxis] who make money through harassment that tramples on a person's precious time and emotions as if they are carrying out operations via radio in the car. You guys still have a very professional process.

But the generation has changed.
I have recorded all 6 cars following me yesterday, including black box videos. I plan to collect more of those videos in the future and I hope that people who are infringing the private lives of others get punished severely. 

20 years...It's time to stop
The habit of looking back while eating or walking down the street, I've developed it for the longest time already.
You guys are busy on the road chasing people making money.
Isn't it time to let it go now?

original post: here

1. 20 years is the amount of years a baby is born until they reach adulthood.... Ugh...

2. Sasaengs still follow him around? Daebak 

3. Wow stil??!?!?!?

4. Hul they're still going around doing things like that 

5. Wow 20 years... That's honestly bad

6. Wow still? They're mentally diseased

7. Still...? He must be having such a hard time.. 

8. Jaejoong-ah ㅠㅠㅠ This is updating....

9. No but... This is crazy 

10. Wow this is so scary... They've been doing this for 20 years??

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