In their highlight medley, they didn't have Wife, only the 7 other songs

But when you click on the garbage bin, you can see Wife, but when clicking on Wife, it gives you an error message. That's how the highlight medley ended

And this was their real title concept

original post: here

1. But why are they trying to tease the general public with their controversies all the time? At this point they're pro trollers

2. Hul after Nude, I was kind of disappointed by their other concepts because it felt like they were regressing backwards, but was that their intention all this time?

3. I love it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is so fun 

4. After Tomboy, they've gotten such good responses but then they went for Nude and Queen Card and now this pre-release with concepts like these. I can kind of understand the negative responses..

5. Honestly I don't like this, it feels like they're making fools of the general public. It's like they're the ones creating the whole misunderstanding and go "isn't it weird that you guys misunderstood~?" I hope they stop doing this now 

6. I find this freaking entertaining, I'll see the response once they drop the title ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. Hul, to me it felt like a groundbreaking concept and I liked it, it's a concept I've never thought about 

8. I miss their debut days... La Ta Ta, Hwa, songs like that... Nowadays, they keep resorting to those gimmicks and it's a shameㅜㅜ

9. I knew this would happen though ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But it still doesn't change the fact that Wife was trash, just add the 19+ on it 

10. I knew that their intentions were to make a fool out of the public, but I wonder if this was a successful marketing 

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