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1. [+96, -8]
You can tell right away that she never did her nose and this was an unedited screencap from her livestream and you don't see her shading much. Her nose looks exactly the same as her old pictures

2. [+87, -5]
Karina's nose never gave me plastic surgery vibesㅋㅋㅋ if you look closely, she kinda has slight hook to her nose. She already had a high nose in her past pictures and people are always making a fuss about her nose tip but you don't see any prosthetic sticking out of the end of her nose either. Karina's haters are just trying to find any additional procedure just to hate on her

3. [+81, -6]
This was an unedited journalist photo and you can see how her makeup looks less strong because of the sunlight and her nose tip looks the same. There's no artificial look to her nose and the people who were insisting that Karina got a nose job are just her haters

4. [+71, -4]
For real, when she has a bare face or light makeup, she looks the same as her past pictures. It's because her makeup artist shades her nose heavily that it looks like that. Even if you tell them, they'll still insist that she got her nose done

5. [+70, -3]
Her nose already looked like that in middle school. Who is making a fuss again?

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