"Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," the song Anton quotes in his comment, is a popular song about loving yourself for who you are. It's also a song that many LGBTQ people who have faced discrimination cite as speaking to their hearts."
"On the other hand, being the son of Yoon Sang as an SM trainee, he has been circulating on various social media and online communities since before his debut, giving him the first, easiest, and most advantageous position to be recognized in the public's mind and become famous among the members.

If it weren't for the halo of his father, Yoon Sang, the majority of reactions are that he wouldn't have been able to debut as a group with the full support of a major entertainment company, SM. He has also been criticized for overreacting to the criticisms he should have faced when entering the entertainment industry. There are also voices of concern that the group shouldn't play games with the public."

"Due to references to Anton's lavish situation and a somewhat different meaning embedded in the song 'Born This Way,' there have been murmurs of discontent that have surfaced. It's as if there's a barrage of criticism suggesting an overemphasis on self-awareness or excessive self-pity, as if one is battling against a massive discrimination. Although he has good looks and excellent physique, he has been criticized for his lack of singing and dancing skills and size compared to other members through numerous performances since his debut."

Source: https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=408&aid=0000211143

Minji and Anton are the types of people to get into controversies
If Anton never replied, this type of article would've never surfaced and nobody would've been hating on him and the fact that he's incompetent would've never spread

post response:
original post: here

1. [+106, -2]
Anton's personality is more petty than I thought

2. [+82, -26]
Seeing how both Minji and Anton are talentless, it seems like talentless people really get triggered easily

3. [+78, -28]
Oh the article is well written

4. [+74, -22]
He should've just stayed still. The fact that he replied makes him look even more triggered

5. [+48, -8]
Seems like there will be kids saying how Korea is different so I'm saying this in advance. In the US, they use the word "nepo baby" as a swear. Celebrities are getting a tone of hate for it and even takes jabs on Insta stories. Connections are important in the US too but because they are a merit-based society, they hate nepo babies even more than Korea. One of the front-runner nepo babies is Lily Rose Depp and seeing how she's getting hate despite her parents' halo effect, there's no way she'd remain sane

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