
original post: here
1. She was so pretty during her New York days
2. What's her Korean name? She's the same age as Sooyoung?
3. Hul Kim Dongwook's wife was her???
4. She looks luxurious
5. Hul it was her?..
6. Kim Dongwook got married?
7. Isn't she the real trainee who almost made it into SNSD? Her face looks f*cking familiar wow
8. Hul I used to think that she was freaking pretty when looking at her older pics
9. Wow I was such a fan of SM trainees after DBSK debuted and I saw her face so much back then
10. No but I didn't believe it but looking it up, it's really real. And what's more is that they match so well. Pretty girl and handsome boy