"So if you win an award today...
Don't use this stage to make a political speech..."

"You're in no position to be teaching anything to the public
You guys don't know anything about the real world!!!"

"So if you win an award, come up and accept your little award,
Thank your manager, thank God and then,
f*ck off, ok?"

It was Ricky Gervais' speech at the Golden Globes

original post: here

1. They are the ones committing crimes and then ask for the public to pity them and accept them but then point fingers at the public? They can't even say anything to society, the police, or reportersㅎㅎThey can't even raise the Korean flag properly on Liberation Day, and when something goes wrong in society, they keep your mouth shut and say "I don't know", but in the end, they blame the public. These cowards.

2. They really take the public for foolsㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously, they keep their mouths shut on important issues but why do they always try to teach us about life?

3. For real, I wonder what they are even trying to teach usㅋㅋㅋ

4. For real

5. Celebrities really think that they are the king of kings

6. To be honest, a lot of times, celebrities do good too

7. To be honest, the fact that people were hating on the police for the recent scandal makes me agree with him

8. They are just entertainers so I hope that they just stick to doing their work. They are just coming on TV to have fun so why do they think that they are something different? F*ckㅋㅋ

9. And don't start shooting a drama distorting history next

10. The US is definitely different

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