I've been trying to figure out this problem by myself but I cannot come up with a solution to this issue I'm having so I was wondering if seeing other people's experience and advice might help me. 

I need ya'll to keep in mind we are from a very "men have to provide" culture. 

I (26F) got set up with my good friend's best friend (29M). 
For some context, I haven't dated anyone in a good while and the only serious relationship I've been in was a very bad one back when I was a teen. 
He has dated a bit more, his last relationship was for about 5 yrs. 

So, this is all a little new to me. Granted, I've had flings but nothing serious. Recently I got set up with this guy, let's call him Henry. He is a sweetheart, like, a really nice guy. Very proper, and very forward; since day 1 he has been very forward with liking me and pursuing me and being relatively serious about it. 

I was over the moon at first because receiving that kind of attention would elate anyone, and so we kind of had several dates back to back because "he couldn't get enough of me". In my opinion, we went kind of too fast for my liking but he had to go on a trip and he wanted to see me as much as he could before he left. We have gotten to know each other due to the fact we text daily too.

Now, here is my dilemma. 

My family is well off so I grew up a certain way, I cannot help to think certain things are very much the norm when it comes to relationships. I don't want to sound spoiled but my father did raise a certain standard for men, he also very much ruined it too. 

Now, Henry doesn't have a job or much money (he changed career paths 3 times) and is finishing up Uni (his family is relatively well off so they have helped him). Originally it didn't bother me greatly but as some time has gone by and I have thought about seriously dating him, I am starting to think this to be a bigger problem. 

Every time I recommend we do something, he says he can't do it, but it's little things as just going out to a nicer dinner or going to the movies. He does trips abroad but I don't want to be nosy and ask him how he affords such. I have a job that pays well, so some of our outings we have split the bill. 

It's my first time doing so, but I like him, so I don't mind it that much (its very unheard of in my culture though). 

We have spoken about "meeting the parents" and he is convinced my dad is going to hate him because he has no money. Now, I know that my parents won't approve of him, but not for the fact that he is broke, but for the fact he has no life plans and therefore provide no security. 

It troubles me because I don't want to get emotionally attached to him to the point of no return, I also don't want to break his heart if the relationship just isn't going to work at all. I like him a lot, and honestly him not having that much money isn't a problem now, but going serious means thinking about marriage and the likes and that requires some semblance of economical stability and seeing him have no plans to gain some footing, is disheartening, especially since I work my ass off daily and have worked really hard to be where I'm at right now. 

Any advice? (Please be nice.)

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