"Worst country for women to work in"

A South Korean man in his 20s has been detained after brutally assaulting a convenience store employee because he thought she was a feminist because she had short hair, and the BBC has taken notice.

On the 6th (local time), BBC published a report titled "South Korean man attacks shop clerk he thought was a feminist".

"CCTV footage showed the man in his 20s entering the store in the south-eastern city of Jinju after midnight and punching and kicking the woman," the BBC reported.

"Police said he had attacked the woman because she had short hair, and so assumed she was a feminist. "Since you have short hair, you must be a feminist. 

I'm a male chauvinist, and I think feminists deserve to be assaulted," he told her, according to the police.

He continued his assault until he was stopped by police who arrived on the scene. Authorities said he had been in a drunken state, and was previously diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia.," the report said.

"Among economically-advanced countries, South Korea is frequently ranked as one of the worst for working women, with poor gender equality. Anti-feminist feeling has also increased in recent years - particularly among young men who feel they have been disadvantaged by reverse discrimination."

BBC placed the story alongside "Why South Korean women are reasserting their right to short hair" and "Mass unexplained stabbings rock South Korea." As of 10 a.m. that day, it was ranked seventh on the BBC's most-read list.

Overseas viewers commented on social media (SNS), saying, "This is an outrageous and creepy incident," "It's very shocking that he felt he had the right to assault a woman based on her appearance," "Even if the woman is a feminist, that doesn't give you the right to assault her," and "This incident shows that gender-based violence persists. Efforts to promote gender equality and respect for all individuals must continue."

Domestic viewers also lamented the incident. "This is an embarrassment to the country," "I'm ashamed and upset," "Hate crimes should never be swept under the rug," and "This should be more widely publicized than other incidents."

BBC added that the incident also prompted criticism of Olympic archer Ahn. Ahn had previously been the subject of rumors that some men claimed she was a feminist because she wore her hair short. "Despite winning multiple gold medals, Ahn experienced horrific online harassment because of her short hair," the outlet explained.

original post: here

1. "A developed country".... you have seen nothing yet

2. to be honest, the whole country is becoming like a country of incels

3. I've never experienced the "developed country"

4. Let this get exposed even more. We need to get trashed by the whole world

5. We are really an underdeveloped country

6. There's no way our country doesn't go to ruins...

7. We need to go extinct then

8. More people need to know about this, f*ck

9. What makes us different from Islamic countries?

10. We're not a developed country~~~

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