Someone who can't control the explosion of dopamine that explodes through their bodies.
In the US, we call them "tweakers".
Tweak means to twist.
They don't care what anyone thinks
They are so high on drugs that they are twisting and shaking like a zombie.
YouTuber Skulking confessed to being a former cannabis addict and broadcasts about the dangers of the drug
The channel also refers to the "tweaker" as an addict who has gone through the end stages of the drug.
In other words, the body is constantly pumping out dopamine, and it's gotten to the point where you can't let go of drugs
In the recent posts about GD's latest appearances, many people recognized the typical tweaker behavior.
Because they are talking to themselves and are aware of what they are doing, you might mistake them as just someone who is very distracted but that's a typical tweaker....
This person's behaviour is so similar to GD's....
original post: here
1. Scaryㅜㅜ Saying that this is the end stage of drug use, it must be severe
2. Hul they are honestly similar
3. Ah this is kinda scary...
4. The people around him must know that he got to this point now....
5. Ugh this is so strange
6. The way he's bending his knees is honestly similar with the last video....
7. That's the end stage of an addiction?... scary
8. I thought that he was just stretching excessively and was very distracted at the airport because there were a lot of people around but even the way he acted after entering that building was so weird
9. But I really f*cking hate how that person is acting that way in front of that kid in the mart....
10. Hul but he seriously acts like those problematic drug addictsㄷㄷ
It's as if he was a different person
original post: here
1. His pronunciation is completely off
2. Your pronunciation is slurred. Is that what drugs do to you?
3. He can't even pronounce "I" properly...
4. Wow it's my first time seeing that interview and wow.... you can tell right away....
5. His gaze is so dazed and his pronunciation is so inarticulate... it's like witnessing someone ruining themselves in real time
6. Seeing it like this, it's so clear
7. I was shocked when I saw his pronunciation here; it was 1 year ago but... comparing this to his News Room interview, it's definitely different
8. Get treated already
9. I'm not trying to shield him but I've seen him grow up from the time he was a child actor and it's just..... so sad. This feels weird
10. No but since he doesn't really appear on TV anymore, I wasn't aware that he got to this point.... I just remember the way he was back then;;