대디스게팅핫 엣더바디샵 언홀리 샘 스미스 pic.twitter.com/fhWdPC9z4G
— 아이리시위스키 (@AgathaChristhy) October 17, 2023
+ Sam Smith concert aftermath
Sam Smith sings well and shows off his vocal cords. But for a little over an hour, suddenly a contemporary dancer started twerking while blowing kisses... Sam Smith takes off his top and suddenly changes into a corset, fishnets, and pants that made him look like Satan. His butt trapped in the mesh filled the screen and he really cosplayed like Satan. Then when Unholy was done playing, he disappeared
original post: here
1. As long as his shows are only for adultsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. Mom ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I didn't know I was actually gonna see his buttㅋ
3. Oh...Huh..?
4. He's crazy good at singing though
5. Wow I wanna go
6. I really wanted to go this time ㅠ
7. He shakes it wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. Wow I'm amazed at his live singing but what am I looking at... Wowㅋㅋ..
9. Wow his live is like the digital version
10. This isn't part of this world anymore