original post: here

1. They are a group who have been here for the long run so I"m fine as long as they are careful in the future

2. I-roaches, don't you dare meddle with us Asians, f*ck

3. They are putting their victim mentality claiming that it's racismㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ These people are saying things like that because they can't go overseas anyways. The singer apologizes, but their fans just want to bash them even more. I can tell their lack of awareness, so can they just shut up already?

4. They did well apologizing

5. Stop shielding them

6. I thought the apology was good
I'd rather this conversation be about Korean skin color than other races, so that's a shame.
Why can't people have darker skin?... People who like sports and exercising outside will obviously be tanner so it's not like it's something weird.
I feel like Koreans do call others "too dark" to belittle them (or put them down) 
Preferring white? That's understandable, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to look at darker skin negatively no?
It shouldn't matter what skin color you are.

7. It was a problematic comments and I thought that they did well giving us feedback even if they waited a few days. But the community sites kept shielding them saying it wasn't problematic and i-roaches kept making this into a controversy because of their victim mentality, that's why it turned into a scandal. All of this is just f*cking frustrating

8. That's right, they did well apologizing

9. It's not like they said that in front of a black person but said that because his face was tanned. What "racism"?ㅎㅎ

10. Uhm... I watched the video and I'm not sure which part of it was racist but if the situation was icky, it's better that they apologize

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