"What do women after 40 need to do to build self-esteem?
Q: What do women need to prepare for a high self-esteemed life after 40?
When you were younger, being pretty boosted your self-esteem, but now, what does self-esteem look like when you're in your 40s and 50s? When you're in college, you're trying to improve your grades? When you're at work, you're trying to rank up? What about volunteering?
What does the ideal woman look like in her 40s and 50s?
Do you know anyone who says they want to have a specific image as a middle-aged woman?
1. As women age, #0 would still be losing weight and taking care of your looks. And then comes health and economic strength
> 222222
> 33333
> 444444444
> Bingo, looks (money, freedom), body (health)
> I also think that confidence and self-esteem that comes from taking care of my looks and health are important but seeing the comments above was pretty unexpected"
"2. Realistically, the 40s and 50s are when you reach your peak financially, professionally, and socially.
And if they have a family, they are busy raising kids. It's not all about looks. Women in that age group have a lot on their plate. And self-esteem is based on compensating on the parts you are lacking, your self-efficacy and self-satisfaction. There's nothing definite. It's different based on the individual. I wish you the best in your quest to achieve what you want most.
> Saying that looks is #0 is ridiculous
>> That's what I'm saying
> 222, after your 40's, the solutions are definitely your career and money. Managing your looks is just a plus and it's nice but without career and money, your looks are nothing else but a bubble"
original post: here
1. Money, health and muscles
2. Health and money
3. There's nothing degrading about getting old and maintaining self-esteem with your appearance.
4. #1 is health and #2 is money
5. Obviously #1 is health and #2 is money
6. As long as you have money, there are many things you can do
7. Money comes first. You need money to take care of your health, eat well and hire a professional coach. Money is first..
8. Health and money
9. Health = muscles
10. Health, money, and having good people around you