Lee Hanbyul

Netflix’s Mask Girl K-drama centers around an ordinary office worker named Kim Mo-mi. She once dreamed of becoming a performer and dazzling under stage lights.

But age and time were not kind to her as she became ‘ugly.’ For Mo-mi, her only saving grace was her body. She donned the online live stream name ‘Mask Girl’ and became a sensation while covering up her real identity and face.

Amid her online stardom, Mo-mi finds herself caught up in a series of unexpected events, even murder. Alongside Mo-mi is her colleague, Joo Oh-nam. Like her, Oh-nam is dissatisfied with his appearance. Here is where the sliver of romance comes into play in Netflix’s Mask Girl.

Not only is Oh-nam a fan of Mask Girl, but he discovers Mo-mi is her. He just so happens to have a one-sided crush on Mo-mi. But his involvement with her leads Oh-nam into dangerous waters and disappearance.

Cr. Dexerto

t/n: what the original character looks like

original post: here

1. Wow all 3 of them are so tall 

2. Oh she has a vibe

3. This person is playing which role? The mask girl?

4. She wasn't revealed until now? Ohhh 

5. Ohh she's totally a new face

6. Oh she really gives the Mo-mi vibe 

7. The casting is so well-done, from the physique to the heights, they're all similar 

8. Wow I'm envious of their heights

9. The acting here will be super important so I hope the acting will be good 

10. The sync is crazy, I'm looking forward to the acting 

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