Melon banner
Taxi banner
Community ad banner
Community ad banner 2
Street banners
Collab with Compose Coffee
Game collab
X (ex-twitter) banner
Seoul subway wrapping ad
The promotion is crazy this time...
original post: here
1. The investment strength is crazy ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
2. They're so good at working
3. Do they really need to advertise on communities?
> ã…‹ã…‹
4. Huh I'm another group's fan and I've seen their ads in taxis so often!
5. The subway wrapping is daebak...
6. The subway ad is so pretty
7. I saw their ads in the baseball field too!
8. I need to go to Compose
9. If they're doing this much, it means that they really sharpened their knives for this song
10. Daebak, seriously HighUp is doing so well, are the comments mocking them doing this out of inferiority complex?