This person is a famous Insta star. I saw the Reels and was so shocked at how different she looks (T/N: she's the one on the left)

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1. [+59, -2]
You're telling me that they look similar...? Her facial features are pretty but the vibes are totally different.. The one on top is freaking skinny and has that Karina vibe while the one on the bottom looks like a foreign transfer student

2. [+50, -2]
That's why there are no Insta star who become a celebrity

3. [+33, -1]
You guys find them similar..? For real?? If I only looked at her pictures, I wouldn't be able to recognize her in real life

4. [+27, 0]
Who is she between the two?
> She's the one on the left and her friend is the one with the LV belt (T/N: pic below))

5. [+18, 0]
(Do you want to eat sushi with me?)

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