[enter-talk] DON'T TRUST SM

I'm an ex-Cassiopeia so I still have trauma over this, I didn't read any of the EXO articles but when I saw Pann acting up because of it, I went to read them trhough and I can't believe SM is doing exactly what they did to us

"Regarding the claim of "13-year 'life contract", "Since the conclusion of the exclusive contract, the contract has been renewed and modified under mutual agreement on a total of five occasions, and two of them were fair regarding the damages clause. It was revised after review and confirmation by the Trade Commission."

"SM official statement "That cosmetics business is the cause of the incident. This is the real reason"

"Payment for foreign cars for 11 billion won" vs "13 years of new contract consumables are tight"

We also renewed the contract under agreement over 5 revisions,
They also mediaplayed claiming they followed Fair Trade Commission,
The cosmetics business became known after being labeled as outside forces.
I'm really getting fed up with that company

I won't be looking for more articles in the future, but no matter what position and conclusion they make, don't trust SM 
Remember that SM has a lot of capital and is clever.
There's already a record for doing this, and there's probably a lot more hidden

I bet they've already run macros to manipulate the number of views and write on all sorts of posts in communities. It's even worse since Kakao is included now. 
They're going to frame CBX as a traitor, but don't be swept away by it, at least don't go on communities until it's over
That's my advice for EXO fans, you're going to be under a lot of stress
Remember that if a fandom splits, only the group and the fans will be harmed.

I just don't like SM and think that their atrocities should be exposed, so I wrote this, so don't call me a part-timer or an employee

post response:
original post: here

1. [+164, -39]
This should be the kind of normal reactions from the controversy, but just how long do you think they've tried to gaslight you? All they need to do is unleash their part timers to turn all you groupies against your oppas and make you shield the companyã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Do you think that they're trying to be rational about this ?ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Of course they're only doing this for the company tsk tsk 

2. [+149, -33]
I've been a fan of SM for so long, so EXO fans-ah, listen carefully. If you really want to protect your group, you need to support CBX, and don't fall into SM's mediaplay. What this person is saying is true. You need to unite with CBX's fans  and make SM change their habits. Whether the kids are already earning a lot isn't all of it. Right now, they're going through murderous schedules because of those contract terms, they are suffering because they need to go through with all those schedules. Of course, you can argue taht they chose it themselves, but even so, the weight of responsibility imposed on them is just too great

3. [+114, -88]
No matter who looks at it, it's so obvious that CBX is only doing this for money thoughã…‹ã…‹ They're doing this right before their comeback, that's why the fans feel even more betrayedã…‹ã…‹ How can you blame SM?ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+104, -21]
[OP] To that kid up there, do you think that what I've been through wasn't severe? You guys can't even imagine how much they got f*cked over with that contract but you're ganging up on them calling them betrayers? And they even made it easier for you to call them betrayers too;;; This is the reason why media exists for people like that. My PTSD is coming backã…‹ã…‹ 

5. [+89, -13]
EXO fans, I know you're having a hard time too, but you need to stick to the members to overcome the hardship 

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