Jennie's fans all witnesses that when she got off the stage, she was throwing up and the CQ kept trying to help her, she went up on stage again and repeated that for a couple of times just to exit the stage at the end 
If you're not a psychopath, how can you leave comments to a sick person saying stuff like "V will comfort her anyways~" "Wow she just left like that~" 'Even if she's sick, she should at least dance properly?" Are you guys for real???

Jennie's fans were so worried because she was sick on Twitter and it broke my heart because my bias also lived through something similar but you guys sure are crazy b*tches

So whenever an idol is sick, you guys are just going to swear at them on Pann? You guys act as it this was a requirement here, you should know your limits
How many years has it been and you're still swearing at Jennie? Can't you just leave her alone?

"V will rush to her and support her"
"Hul she literally just left the stage, what the?"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+88, -15]
Cut it down on your hate, she's sick. You guys are f*cking mean 

2. [+69, -7]
Jennie's haters are literally murderers, if you look at the way they talk, they seem to be f*cking old people too, they've bene lashing out on 2nd gen idols on Pann with their jealousy back then already, they just go around swearing at all female idols ㅋㅋㅋ They kill femlae idols with their fingers ㅠ Looks like they've gone completely senile with age

3. [+68, -10]
This is what I've been saying. They can't hate on anything Jennie is doing so they're ready to lose their humanity and become dogs barking at her over anything... I honestly hope you can save up the energy you spend hating on people and spend that for your self improvement instead

4. [+65, -9]
For real, had she vomitted on stage, they would've gone completely nuts

5. [+63, -17]
They're seriously mentally ill, she's sick, do you think she wants to be sick? I feel bad for V and Jennie, they mention them on purpose together all the time

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