Tweet: You're so cool Minsoo'yah. I'll always support you

Cap: Just now, I was doing a live and I was smoking and people were telling me if I could refrain from smoking. Do you know why it's annoying? First of all, you just randomly appeared in my broadcast without even watching me in general telling me if I can stop doing this. Honestly I hate that. Why would you come to me and call me a f*cker? Why would you be like that towards me when you're not even a "consumer" of [my music]? I used to think like that. But anyways, I'm still part of my team and the company but I think that I may be a burden to my team. So if you don't like me, at least maybe not before I went to the army, but even 6 months ago, why didn't you tell me then? Everyone just seems to be coming out of the blue f*ck I'm thinking about just not coming back. My contract ends in July anyways

This isn't a live that he did years ago but maybe a month ago.. 
1. He's the Teen Top leader who has been gaining fans for going on Hangout with Yoo (yes the same guy who said that you should lock up your daugher and beat her up)
2. Because he started gaining fans, the fans told him to stop drinking, smoking and swearing in his live because he was finally gaining an opportunity
3. The reason why he mentioned "July" was because their comeback was announced to be in July

original post: here

1. Just comeback without him Teen Top 

2. Ugh... 

3. Just screw off and live your comfortable life... 

4. He's an idol...?

5. Teen Top should kick him out and come back... The memebrs who are hard working deserve to succeedㅠㅠ

6. It's seriously my first time seeing his face

7. I feel like even he hates doing this, so just remove him from the promotions. What crime did the other members commit?

8. He's an...Idol?

9. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wow so that's the type of person he is..

10. What a fool 

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