t/n: Motae solo = someone who never dated before/unable to date
If you're still a motae solo, how old are you?? If you had your first relationship late, how old were you??? I'm 24 y'o and I'm starting to worry
original post: here
1. I'm a 24 y'o motae solo, but I've never really thought about dating
2. My first relationship was around 20 y'o in Fall. I thought I was late, but looks like I'm not..
3. I dated for the first time at 23 in the Summer.
4. I'm a 21 y'o motae solo
5. I had my first relationship at 29
6. I'm 28? And I don't have any plans on datingã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I'm also not impatient
7. My first relationship was at 30... I'm still dating that person just fine
8. I've tried dating for the first time at 32, please don't be impatient~ It's fine
9. I'm a 28 motae solo and I still haven't thought about dating~~ I'm enjoying life alone ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
10. I'm a 26 y'o motae solo and I don't think I'll ever have thoughts about dating in the future..