"Revealing the weight of paper-dolls"
"I increased my weight from 51kg!"
Kwanghee 173cm/53kg
Joo Woojae 188cm/68kg
Bambam 178cm/57kg
original post: here
1. They are freaking skinny. Seems like you can only be freaking skinny in order to be a celebrity
2. Seems like celebrities really follow the "heigh - 120 = weight" formulaã„·ã„· And what's worse is that they are menã„·ã„·
3. Hul... it's fine as long as they are healthy but they are seriously skinnyã… ã…
4. Joo Woojae is 188????? Kwanghee is 173??????
5. Wow Kwanghee is pretty short. He looks tall though, daebak
6. -_ - they are really paper dolls
7. Hul Kwanghee looks way taller though. He must have great proportions
8. Bambam was that skinny? He doesn't look skinny though... I thought that he was moderately slender
9. Kwanghee.... f*ck, I need to lose weight ã…
10. They are all lighter than me
11. Hul I thought that Kwanghee was around 178
12. Joo Woojae is that tall???? Wow